
Our current pricing structure is specific for what we can offer during lock down. As lock down measures ease and we are able to open up our Centre again, further services will be offered for Centre based learning and activities.


Description of Service


inc VAT

1hr / week online tutoring (Use of our online resources will be restricted to those sessions)

£21 / week

1hr / week tutoring + full access to online lessons and resources

£36 / week

Additional, single, 1hr zoom session


Additional, single, 1hr onsite session (COVID-19 RA measures apply*)



* We have an extensive Risk Assessment for any onsite visits. This is both for the safety of you and your child along with staff at the Centre. Temperatures will be taken for all those entering the building  and strict 2m distancing rules will be followed. For more information on this and any of our other policies, please visit our policies page.